MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM provides the following information:
This platform with commercial name MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM is property of INVEST MALAGA 2015 S.L. entity dedicated to the management of advertising and marketing among others. INVEST MALAGA 2015 S.L. Account with the CIF B93426351 and with fiscal address in Balcones del Lago Nº25 Istán 29611, Málaga.
Boxspring is a registered trademark.
MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM belongs to INVEST MALAGA 2015 SL as an information portal about trinity exams, in no case is it an official website of Trinity London College.
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The Internet pages of MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM may contain links (links) to other third party pages that MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM can not control. Therefore, MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM can not assume responsibility for the content that may appear on the pages of third parties. The texts, images, sounds, animations, software and the rest of contents included in this website are the exclusive property of MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM or its licensors. Any act of transmission, distribution, assignment, reproduction, storage or total or partial public communication must have the express consent of MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM.
Likewise, to access some of the services that MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM offers through the website, you must provide some personal information. In compliance with the provisions of the Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, we inform you that, by completing these forms, your personal data will be incorporated and will be treated in the files of MYBOXSPRINGBED .COM in order to be able to provide and offer our services as well as to inform you of the improvements of the website. Likewise, we inform you of the possibility of exercising the rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition of your personal data, free of charge by telephone at (0034) 952 59 20 83, email to info@MYBOXSPRINGBED.COM or in the Address Pasaje la Camboria Atlantic Building Nº1 Floor 1 Fuengirola 29640 Málaga.
Our contact information is as follows
INVEST MALAGA SL. , Balcones del Lago Nº25 Istán, Málaga
Registered in Spain
Registration Number in Spain (CIF): B93426351